Watch Out for Claims Adjusters Taking Statements from You

If you are filing a personal injury claim with your insurance company, the insurer might ask to take your statement. An Indiana personal injury attorney may be able to help you decide whether this is a good idea in your case and how you can prepare for it.

It is the job of insurance claims adjusters, after all, to investigate cases and determine the facts. This is often done by taking statements from all parties and witnesses involved. The insurer will use the facts of the case to make a determination of liability and whether to pay the claim or settle.

Adjusters usually try to take either a signed statement or a recorded one. Alternately, they will try to get an interview. A signed statement involves the adjuster sitting down with you, asking you questions, and writing down your answers in the first person. The questions asked will depend on the specifics of your case; for example, a car collision case under an auto insurance claim will differ from a dog-bite case under a homeowner’s policy.

The insurance adjuster will write down your answers and may ask you to read the statement and initial any corrections you make. You may be asked to sign the statement or write an affirmation that you have read the statement and affirm that it is true. Once it is over, you may or may not keep a copy of the statement, but you should request a copy, as it may be difficult to obtain later on.

If your statement is recorded, the interview might not be in person but done over the phone instead. Because many insurance companies are pushing for greater efficiency in claims investigations, this method is often preferred, as it takes less time. Face-to-face meetings require the adjuster to travel in person, which is costly and time-consuming, so recorded statements have gradually become more prevalent in the industry. This transition has not been universally praised by the insurance industry; some older adjusters think the quality of investigation has suffered with the emphasis on recorded statements.

If you have questions about giving a statement to your insurance company, contact experienced Indiana personal injury attorney Lane Siesky today for a free initial consultation.