Prescription Errors

Prescription Errors Attorney

A Prescription Errors Law Firm in Evansville, Indiana and Surrounding Areas.

Do you ever check the pills in your prescription bottle to ensure the pharmacy filled the prescription properly? You should.

At Siesky Law, we have handled several cases where the pharmacy filled the prescription with the wrong drug. We can help. Prescription errors can result in serious injury or even death. Often, the error is caused because the pharmacy is not adequately staffed for the volume of prescriptions, and/or the pharmacy techs have the password to override DURs.

DUR is an acronym for Drug Utilization Review. A DUR is a warning that pops up on the pharmacy’s screen when filling a prescription if there is a potential danger to the patient. Sometimes, the concern that prompted DUR is not harmful to the patient, but sometimes it can be.

If you or a loved one has experienced a prescription error, call or contact a top prescription error law firm, Siesky Law for a consultation today. We are here to help.