Premise Liability

Premise Liability Accidents Overview from Evansville Injury Attorney, Lane Siesky.

A premise liability case concerns a dangerous condition on land or real estate that causes injury or death. There are many different types of premise liability cases. Some of the more common premises liability cases that Siesky Law handles include slip and fall and trip and fall cases.

Slip and fall cases often involve a person accidentally putting oil, food, or other slippery substances on a walkway, making the walkway dangerous. Slip and fall cases can also involve the natural accumulation of snow and ice creating a hazardous walking surface. Trip and fall cases can concern a raised portion of a sidewalk or another defect that constitutes a tripping hazard.

Siesky Law Firm has also prosecuted less common premise liability cases, such as, a defective elevator or lift, defective window, defective balcony, defective staircase or handrail, inadequate lighting, security, etc.

In Indiana, the real estate owner is not automatically responsible for someone who gets hurt on the owner’s land. Instead, the injured person must prove that the landowner is negligent. Proving negligence in a premise liability case often requires a lawsuit to be filed, written discovery to take place, depositions, and sometimes a trial.