Race Discrimination and Employment Law

When you search for a new position, request a salary increase, apply for a promotion, or simply do your job, you may feel uncomfortable or upset if an employer treats you differently because of your race or color. Workplace discrimination based on race or color may be a violation of federal law. If you believe that your employer or a prospective employer subjected you to race discrimination, Lane Siesky, Evansville employment attorney, may be able to help.

According to the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Department of Labor, federal law prohibits unfavorable treatment based on the job candidate or employee’s race or characteristics associated with a particular race. Racial characteristics include skin color, hair texture, and some types of facial features. Federal law also prohibits discrimination based on color, which refers to an individual’s complexion.

Federal law prohibits race discrimination in many types of employment situations. These situations include: (1) the hiring process; (2) consideration for promotions, job assignments, and other opportunities; (3) different offers for salary or fringe benefits; (4) selection of employees for layoffs; and (5) basis for firing employees. While you may have personally experienced discrimination due to your race, federal law also prohibits discrimination against you based on the race of your spouse or your association with a race-based organization.

Federal law also discourages workplace policies that negatively impact employees of a particular race or color. A workplace policy that uniformly includes all employees may still be illegal if the policy only has a negative impact on one racial group. For example, a no-beard policy without a job-related justification may be unlawful if it only has a negative effect on the workplace experience of African-American men.

Furthermore, federal law seeks to protect employees from workplace harassment focused on race or color. This type of harassment may include the use of racial slurs or derogatory nicknames, as well as the display of racially-offensive symbols in a work environment. Though an isolated incident may not always result in significant legal action, ongoing or continuous harassment may create the basis for a claim based on a hostile work environment. An employee may also be able to claim that workplace harassment resulted in an unfavorable employment decision such as demotion or termination.

Race Discrimination Employment Attorney

An Evansville employment attorney can discuss your circumstances with you and assess the potential for a claim based on race discrimination under federal laws and the employment laws of your state. For a free initial consultation with experienced Evansville employment attorney Lane Siesky, simply fill out the form on this page.